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Help me self-publish my interactive book The (R)evolution of Love. If you can, please, donate to the account below and add your email address to the note. Expect a little virtual gift and a mention in the book as a thank you from me.

British account: 20-92-54 83772624

IBAN: GB30BUKB20925483772624



If you were to remove work from life, what 
would be left? Friends, family, partner? 
In other words, relationships. And if 
you want to have good-quality ones, 
you first need to learn to love yourself. The (R)evolution of Love is an interactive guide that invites you to take one or two steps back and reflect on your relationships. Are YOU ready to join the (R)evolution of Love? 

Big thanks for their financial support to:

Lucia M., Caroline R., Marketa H., Matej. K,

Lucie N., Tereza R., Klara H., Anna P.,

Laura B., Martina K., Liliia D., Pavel K.,

Marek M., Ana Maria A. K., Veronika M.,

Jaroslav & Lenka D., Viktor & Jana J.,

Vladimir P., Tereza B., Jiri D., Evgenia S.,

Nicole C., Veronika J., Magda K.,

Nadia K., Michaela S., Renata D.,

Jiri R., Anna K., Jan F., Tatiana S.,

Ludmila L., Andrey B., Bara G., Angi,

Michaela P., Katerina V., Tereza H.

'Only through loving ourselves can we build quality relationships with others.'

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