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How mountains helped me become more real

Gabriela Dittrichova

Mountains: A place I haven’t been to in a long time and yet where I feel most alive. The crisp air, the fresh scents, strong wind in your face, all worries gone. All that is left is the Mother Nature. Hiking, climbing absorbing the silence, letting my mind run free. I don’t regret living in a metropole for many years but I am evermore grateful to enjoy all of this now.

When I climbed up to 3000 metres to watch the sunset, I thought I was dreaming. And yet, it was all happening (and I am going to tell you more about it in my upcoming posts). When we spent the night on a glacier or when I got bitten by a (naughty!) horse or when I petted the alpine cows. All of those moments could not happen anywhere else but in the mountains. Or maybe yes, but living in London, I never even thought this would be possible. And now? I became addicted.

Every week, I asked Marc with a demanding look in my eyes - where to? I know he would always come up with a great idea. And if not him, then my day would. These two men taught me how to love the mountains (again) and I enjoy every second I get to spend with them, in them, and by myself. The crisp air in my hair, the fresh wind on my face, my own thoughts and silence. That is all I need.

The crisp air in my hair, the fresh wind on my face, my own thoughts and silence. That is all I need.

I was never a mountain-kinda-girl and yet, spent most of my weekends outdoors. But no one knew (apart from my family). And it is only now that I am learning to appreciate nature and, what's more. retell my own story. I used to spend extreme effort on trying to be someone I am not. And so, even if you are now surprised that I am bragging on about mountains, it shows that I succeeded. Succeeded in making you believe that I am different, regular. But heaven knows that is wrong!

We are all special, we are unique. We are one of a kind and should proudly carry this message on our chests. Because we only get one chance and you don't want to waste your life pretending to be someone you are not. Furthermore, it costs a lot of time and energy to scrap all the crap (trust me, I've been there!) and show your true self. But it is bloody worth it!

We are unique. We are one of a kind and should proudly carry this message on our chests.

In no way am I perfect. What I am trying to say is to stop and just be! Don't do this because you've been told so, don't do that because others did so in the past. Just be you. Listen to your gut and do what feels natural and makes sense to you.

Easier said than done. But it is worth the fight. Get ready to struggle and experience pain, lose some friends and face disappointment. Many people will be in shock, some might disappear from your life, but what will be left is the core. The main structure that will keep you stable, support you when you feel weak, share mutual successes and joys with you.

Oh yes, this was meant to be just another post about mountains. Oops, I dived into mindfulness again. Can't help it. Anyway, I stop now and pray for you to find the courage and strength to be yourself. At the end of the day, that's the only thing you have to do in life. And mountains are the best place to do it right. Mountains have superpowers, they will help you find yours...


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