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Gabriela Dittrichova

The (R)evolution of Nudity

Insecurity, worry, fear. These are some of the words commonly associated with nudity. At least, for me. I was never too confident in my own skin, terribly insecure, and unsure about my body. Not until one day, when I realised that our bodies are the greatest gift that was ever given to us.

Nude is beautiful. Nudity is powerful. Nakedness is adorable. Our bodies, in all shapes and forms, are something to be celebrated, applauded, and admired for all they’re capable of doing. Yet, oftentimes we forget to thank them for their services in keeping us alive. We are much faster to notice what is different from the commonly perceived standard of beauty, perhaps we even punish ourselves for it. But just like with anything, how often do we compliment it? How often do we highlight the positives? How often do we remember the good things and not the bad ones?

Our bodies, in all shapes and forms, are something to be celebrated, applauded, and admired for all they’re capable of doing.

It might be the brain, the society, all of it. I don’t know the answers, but I know it took me a good couple of years to come to terms with my body. And wouldn’t have done it by myself - or if, then it would have taken much longer. I used the help of my mirrors, the ones who are the closest to me. My family saw me naked when I was little, and I never felt insecure in front of them. Even today, when I leave the house without a bra or go swimming, they are the ones in whose company I feel the safest and the thought of not looking good enough never even crosses my mind.

With friends, on the contrary, it was different. I often feared going to public pools or sunbathing, worrying I would have to wear a bikini and be almost naked in front of others. As time went by, and I started being naked in front of people who didn’t know me much, something in me shifted. but I was still far away from feeling comfortable in my own body.

Then, I started my first relationship and it was all brand new. Suddenly, I was not in a position of seduction or submission, I could just be. Take a shower, walk around the house naked, even pee in front of the other person, and I was feeling good. It took a good amount of baby steps but slowly, I have reached the goal. I can now be fully naked and feel comfortable in my own skin.

That does not mean that I seek opportunities to show off, but when asked to dress down, wanting to go for a spontaneous dip in a river, or make love to the man of my life, I can, and the choice is mine not one of my surroundings. Damn does it feel good. When you’re free from all clothing, there are no restrictions, no limits. Just you and your body. Suddenly the mind begins to run wild and the amusing juice fills your veins and gives you the power to do almost anything.

When you’re free from all clothing, there are no restrictions, no limits. Suddenly the mind begins to run wild and the amusing juice fills your veins and gives you the power to do almost anything.

It is fantastic and I recommend you try it too. Embrace your naked body with all it brings. You can try tantra with your partner, sitting quietly, looking into each others’ eyes, naked. You can go for a secret dip somewhere nobody else knows. Or you can stand in front of a mirror and talk nicely about yourself - naked. Options are endless but it is worth trying at least one out. Don’t give up after one (failed) attempt, make it a habit to thank your perfect body at least once a day. It has done so much good for you it is time to speak nicely back to it.


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