Life won’t run away. No matter what we do or how we feel, all of us have the same amount of time on this planet, maybe in various shapes and forms, since our soul is eternal, but we ought to live it to the best of our abilities and stop rushing. Life won’t let us down, but we ought to acknowledge it because the best time of our lives is now. Let’s live it to the fullest. Right now.

I am back. Back from holidays, back from yet another time of a lifetime. We have spent it on foot. Constantly hiking and exploring new places. And yet, rather than sights and landmarks, we discovered something more interesting, more meaningful than any monument can provide. We found ourselves.
I said it to my partner at the beginning of our break, I said it halfway through, and I said it again at the end. This break is bringing him back to himself. It allows his mind, body, and soul to be in balance. And it has the same impact on me.
A holiday is a chance to recharge and to rediscover ourselves. I am utterly exhausted. Have walked a thousand miles (or around 60 kilometers to be precise) and I came to my goal. To stop trying. To stop pushing. To have the intention to be.
Life will not wait for us. But it won’t run away either. Instead of constantly planning, managing, or looking forward to something, the real treasure is now.
Our conversations are often circling around this subject - what to do, where to go, who to be, and yet, the most important moment of all, at least in my opinion, is to be able to fully embrace oneself in the moment. Life will not wait for us. But it won’t run away either. Instead of constantly planning, managing, or looking forward to something, the real treasure is now.

That is what I felt when I was bathing naked in the river, when I slept in a tent in the middle of a thunderstorm, when I reached a peak of the Jizera mountains and looked around. Everywhere I went, every thought I had, there was him. Him, the beautiful human being who enabled me to enjoy those moments. Him, the reflection of who I am and who I grew to be living next to him. Him, the most beautiful creature when his soul is in sync with his body. Him, my lover, my best friend.
Love has entered my body. I fell in love again with who I am living next to but more than that, he showed me a way towards myself. He served as a compass to find my real self. Not the co-founder, not the manager, not ever the book author. A person. Nothing more. No expectation, no prejudice, no pressure. Just me.
Let's stop pushing ourselves so hard, prevent ourselves from having expectations, and just be.
Being, sitting still on a hill, looking out to nature, and listening to the fascinating sounds of nature. Life won’t run away. It won’t go anywhere at all if we don’t let it. But everyday life will try to steal it away from us, yet we must prevent it from doing so! We might not only live once but we ought to live it to the best of our best abilities. So let’s stop pushing ourselves so hard, try to prevent ourselves from having harsh expectations, and just be. I promise you, miracles are more than likely to happen, if only we let them. And remember to pay attention to life. It won’t take pictures nor videos for you!
Let’s pause. Let’s take a break and acknowledge the beauty around us. It might be faith, it might be wisdom, it might be religion, and it might be nothing at all. Whether religious or not, please, allow yourself to pause and just be... Right now. Life is now. Enjoy it to the fullest whilst it lasts.
Foto credit: Marek M.