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Gabriela Dittrichova

Taking a break to find my purpose

Lately, I have been experiencing a strange feeling. I’ve accomplished everything I wanted. I had the job(s) I dreamed of, I was spending more time with my friends and family, and I was able to live more mindfully and ethically. But yet (or maybe as always), it wasn’t enough. And so, I sat down with my coach and started brainstorming about where I want to go next. I had no idea...

Also I have recently joined the hamster race. Although I do things I love, working creatively whilst dealing with some monotonous tasks, became overwhelming and caused I had less time for myself. Some of the plans I had for this blog didn’t work out. I wanted to spread the awareness about zero waste in the Czech Republic. I didn’t. I wanted to start a podcast. I didn’t. I wanted to bring my Instagram back to life. I didn’t.

But it wasn’t all failures. I am actually proud of my accomplishments lately. I helped gained new followers and start selling online. I enlivened the Femme Palette blog and received some wonderful feedback from the readers. I gained a new mentor in my current boss, the founder of Loono, Katerina Vackova who is an everyday source of inspiration. I couldn’t be in a better place. Yet, when I ask myself - where I’m going - I struggle to answer.

There are some ideas popping in my head and unless I am in the right state of mind, I won’t be able to process them.

I haven’t been in such a state in a long while. Living in London was a constant juggle. I always had something to do, somewhere to go, someone to meet (and collaborate with). But in Czechia? My life situation is very different. And as usual, I’m the strictest critic of myself, and since I don’t have my best friend pushing me anymore, I need to kick my own butt and get moving!

But instead of speeding up, I want to slow down. Lately, it has all been too much, and nothing enough. I need the time to step back and rearrange my priorities. There are already some ideas popping in my head and unless I am in the right state of mind, I won’t be able to process them.

For that reason, I am taking a break. This blog will go to sleep for a while. It served the purpose. It helped me find the jobs of my dreams and make me realise what is it I enjoy doing. I also had the place to practice, to experiment and to fail. I will continue one day, but first, I need to take a break and think about:

  • Who I am

  • Where I want to be

  • What my life vision is

Once I get close to answering these questions, which will probably create tons of more, I will go back to Czech Check. I don’t know when or in which way but I look forward to it nevertheless. Until then, thank you all for your support. Till later!


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