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On Satisfaction: Exploring Why Does ‘why’ Matter

Gabriela Dittrichova

If you are willing to start a company, you should ask yourself why. If you are going to write an essay, you should be clear on what it should help you achieve. If you are going to join a protest, you should know why you are doing so prior to taking an action. For me, why was always the key question in understanding everything I did. But it wasn’t until recently, that I realised, that to me, satisfaction does not come easily.

When editing articles or essays (yes, I do that, although I would never compete with Grammarly), I often finish reading a piece with an intense thought of – why? I ask myself and the author, what is the point that is being made here? If this question cannot be answered through the essay, I suggest starting again or at least re-writing a vast majority of the paper. Annoying, I know, but often necessary to achieve great results.

“I always need to have a (…) strong, convincing, unbeatable reason why this or that should happen.”

I can be a pain in the back. I always need to have a reason, and not just any – a very strong, convincing, unbeatable reason why this or that should happen. My parents brought me up that way, my friends hate me for that, but I would not have it any other way. That is why I get into arguments when I say that business people are not creative. I believe that creative thinking leads to more than just higher efficiency or job satisfaction, for me, it means implementing change on a global scale. That is why others dread me reading their work because, unless they develop a strong argument, I tear their paper apart and ask them to start again (applies to myself, too).

I enjoy freelancing, but I know, that it is just a pit stop for me. Marketing and management are nowhere near to what I want to do in my future. I care less about how much I earn (although travelling by coach is a pain when you could be taking the train everywhere and saving time the planet at the same time), but it is the price you have to pay in the short term in order to achieve greater results in the long run.

Swapping universities and completing high school in the UK were two of best choices I have ever made. University taught me how to search for true passions and to find a way out of seemingly unsolvable situations. High school introduced me to a group of extremely inspiring and intelligent people who shaped my personality and set me off on an exciting journey in my personal as well as professional development. These decisions made sense to me back then and they still do today. They came from the inside, they were not influenced by anybody else but me.

“The choices we make shape who we are.”

Since the age of 20, I started believing more in my intuition. Even if I do not understand why something should be wrong, if it does not feel right, I tend not to do it. From clothes to relationships, the choices we make shape who we are. It is up to us to decide what is good or not for us. Regardless of the challenges we face, we must always remember why we decided to take a certain action and then follow it through. Some are justified with delivering a great presentation, some enjoy helping others or rescuing a pet. I like to see an impact on a large scale – why? Because it matters to me! Don’t do anything which does not make sense to you – then it will be also meaningless to others.

Understanding why you decide to do something defines how you will feel about the consequences of your actions. Regardless of what success means to you, knowing why you act a certain way is a key in gaining satisfaction as well as achieving an inner balance and peace.


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