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Serpentine Pavilion 2017

Gabriela Dittrichova

Diébédo Francis Kéré me sure that this year’s Serpentine Pavilion, located traditionally in the heart of Hyde Park, is the most spectacular one yet. Let me introduce to you to the ‘Tree of Life’. 

In the 17 years of the Serpentine Pavilion’s history, there have been many interesting architectural constructions. It is safe to say that majority of these projects have been life-changing and remembered long after they have been taken down.

During rain, it creates a fascinating waterfall in the centre of the structure.

The 2017 has been marked by many political, economic, and environmental issues. Inspired by his roots, D.F. Kéré decided to design a structure that focuses strongly on the community and promotes gathering whilst respecting the environment and providing a shelter in the unpredictable British weather. During rain, it creates a fascinating waterfall in the centre of the structure and collects the water to be then used in the Kensington Gardens.

The unique colour choice (also protecting the wood) has been inspired be the architect’s country of origin, Burkina Faso, where indigo blue represents strength and confidence. The inside structure is made from steel to add longevity. The Pavilion is  (apparently) magically lit at night, to attract the passers-by through showing a welcoming light.

The 2017 Pavilion brings together Gando, Berlin and London.

This year, Serpentine transforms into a cultural melting pot, through bringing together places where the architect was born, where his practice is based, and where the design is currently located – Gando, Berlin and London, respectively.

I was lucky enough to have made it here before 10am on a Saturday morning, when the Pavilion’s cafe opens and tourists start arriving. Having as little traffic as possible in my pictures was a blessing. Therefore, as it goes with all tourist attractions in London (and elsewhere), always try to arrive as early as possible. You can catch up the extra hour of sleep on your way back home but culture cannot wait!

The 2017 Serpentine Pavilion is admission-free and opened from 23 June to 8 October 2017.


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