It’s the time of the year when many of my friends celebrate birthdays. Myself included. And although I believe that the best gift you can give is to spend some valuable time with the bday person, society urges us to do otherwise. And so despite me being the happiest not having any possessions at all, I wrote up a short list of what to give to someone like me (if you insist!).
I recently wrote about the Life of a Nomad and how challenging it can be to move across multiple countries in less than 24 hours. But if you are like me and nothing can stop you from travelling, there is one thing you cannot live without - the travel pillow. I cannot recommend enough the one from memory foam, as it is easy to transport, adjusts perfectly around your neck and is super light - a perfect companion on anyone's travels.
Number two on the list is definitely tea. I can go through anything upwards from two cups of this hot beverage a day and, as I am trying to cut down on caffeine, tea is the best option. I love The Tea House, a little shop tucked away in Covent Garden, which has a wide selection and attentive staff. I shy away from big names such as Whittard. No doubt their products are high-quality and delicious, but I’d rather support smaller chains where I know where my tea originates from and can receive some honest tips from a tea enthusiast rather than a student being payed minimum wage.
Last but not least on the bday list is anything personal or personalised. I say anything but, please (!!!) I think we all have enough T-shirts and mismatched mugs. So, please, when looking for a personalised gift, try to be as original as possible. You can either have something printed with a favourite photograph on it, such as a small magnet for which there is always space on the fridge or a white board, or you can up-cycle items that remind you of your beloved ones, such as concert tickets or polaroids. Create a collage, a photo book or any other customised birthday package to show you care and love.
Regardless of whether you choose from my list or decide to go with the wine - chocolate - flowers combo, the UK has taught me one thing - always write a card. Regardless of how short the message inside is, it will increase the levels of excitement and bring a smile to the receiver’s face. But once again, the most important thing is to be together - physically or at least in thoughts.
Happy birthday, my beloved one…